Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Things That Make You Go Hmmm...

Yesterday I had an early morning flight that  made it difficult to squeeze in a run at my gym beforehand. Thus, I decided to run outside instead, doing my usual two loop four mile course. As I started the run my legs felt really good, so I decided to push it a bit. The first loop flew by, and as I started the final mile (which is primarily uphill) I gritted my teeth and dug down. I would not say I was going all out balls to the walls, but this was certainly not a leisurely run either.

When I looked at my watch for the first time at the end of the run, I saw I had completed the four miles in just under 29 minutes, or roughly 7:15 per mile pace. Considering the last time I  ran this same route I clocked in at 31 minutes (although with less perceived effort), I have to say I was quite pleased--especially considering the fact I have only been running again for a couple of months. I don't want to get ahead of myself, but this DEFINITELY makes me wonder what I will be capable of when October 27th rolls around...

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