Monday, January 21, 2008


I had the day off from work because of Martin Luther King Day, so I took advantage of it and got a double workout in. First I lifted weights -- chest, triceps, and legs. I did heavy weights for chest, and put up 205 lbs. six times for the first time in over two years. Needless to say I was stoked. I then ran on the treadmill -- 30 minutes at 7:47/mile pace. Once again, it felt very comfortable, like I was hardly working at all. I increased the pace to 6:53/mile for the last couple of minutes, which also felt fine. I am started to get excited about my running again -- I now think I can get back to sub-7:00/mile pace for triathlons, which doesn't suck. I also decided that I am going to up the triathlon workouts to four times a week starting in February -- if I can do two workouts a day at least once a week, that should not be too much of a problem.

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