Friday, February 22, 2008

Great Week!

O.K., the blog posts are slowing down -- there simply are not enough hours in the day. I will post when I have time, and otherwise everyone (assuming anyone actually reads this ever) will just have to deal with it! Monday was unseasonably warm (in the low 60s), and with the day off from work I decided to ride my bike outside. I did a 20 mile out-and-back, most of which was on JFK Boulevard north of Hoboken. I discovered that if I just stay on JFK it seems to go on forever -- or at least 10 miles or so. It is a tough route, though -- super hilly and a ton of stop lights. I can tell that it will be a great strength-building workout, though. I also lifted weights that day -- back and biceps.

The rest of the week I got in two treadmill runs at 7:24/mile pace (which felt surprisingly easy -- I am really starting to think my running is going to be strong this year), another weights workout (chest and tris) and a spin class today at lunch. Six workouts in six days -- definitely a nice week, especially coming off last week when I was sick. Oh, and my weight is down to 182.5 lbs -- not a ton of progress, but definitely heading in the right direction! One last thing -- I have been seeing a podiatrist (trust me, you don't want to know why) and he recommended I get orthotics (I am extremely flat-footed). I figure it can only help, so I ordered them. They should get here in three weeks. It will be interesting to see how they affect me (if at all). Below are my training totals for this past week:

  • Two runs (1 hour)
  • One bike ride (20 miles)
  • One spin class (45 minutes)
  • Two weightlifting sessions (2 hours)

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