Well 2009 has nearly come to a close and I am long overdue for a blog posting. My offseason training has gone really well over the last several weeks -- I have been able to consistently squeeze in 2-3 runs and a couple of weighlifting sessions every week and have been able to keep my weight around 180 lbs. My running is going really well -- I have been cranking out 4-5 mile runs at a fairly decent pace like clockwork, which should bode really well for next year. Over the next week or so I will start hitting the bike and working in some swimming as well. I am still trying to figure out which races I will do next year, including whether or not to do another marathon. I am definitely going to stick with the smaller races next year -- they are cheaper, more laid back, and you do not have to register several months in advance (for example, the New York City Triathlon in July 2010 is already sold out). Well, that is it for now -- next week the New Year's Resolutionaries will strike again, so I have that to look forward to, which is nice...
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