Thursday, October 31, 2019

Let It Snow, Let In Snow, Let It Snow

Today is Halloween and in typical Chicago fashion it's snowing. Needless to say my outdoor running is probably over for quite some time. This morning I knocked out five miles on the treadmill at 7:13 pace, which encouragingly felt markedly easier than it did on Monday. I had to stop and use the bathroom a little over two miles in, but aside from that the run was not particularly noteworthy. I am trying something a little different todayI left my sweaty running top and shorts hung up in a locker at my small office building gym, so hopefully by the time I head home tonight they will be nice and dry (and thus, ready to be just thrown into my laundry bag). The only twist is I actually have to remember to stop by the gym and pick them up every day on my way homewe'll have to see how that goes...

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