Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Going Long(er)

As we have firmly established by now, I am now fast (for me)—probably the fastest I have been in quite some time. But being able to run five miles in less than 35 minutes is not going to count for a hill of beans 23+ miles into a marathon—I need endurance as well (and probably more than speed to be honest). So this morning I started the "add distance" portion of my pre-marathon training program training with an hour run at 7:24 pace. Aside from sweating like a whore in church in the sauna my office building likes to call a gym, the run felt super relaxed and easy—like if I had to run another 30-45 minutes at that pace it would not have been a big deal. I guess that's the benefit of continuing to crank up the speed like I have been—running 30 seconds per mile slower feels like a walk in the park. I think I am going to incorporate a midweek 8-10 miler into this training phase for the next several months. When I start marathon training I want the buildup to the 20 milers (and I am strongly considering maxing out at 22 depending on health) to feel really easy.

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