Sunday, April 5, 2020

Starting Over Once Again

Well as everyone that is not living under a rock has figured out, the COVID-19 coronavirus has become a full-blown global pandemic since my last post. As a result, my gyms closed and it became really difficult for me to run. Don’t get me wrong—there has been nothing preventing me from running outside, but given my lack of proper cold weather running gear and my general hatred of cold weather running I took a few weeks off. A couple of weeks ago I bought three pairs of running tights, three long sleeve running tops, a headband, and a windbreaker (which hasn’t arrived yet), so I kind of ran out of excuses.

This afternoon I took my first run since March 15th and boy have I lost fitness! I struggled through three miles at 7:40 pace. I actually feel O.K. with the pace, although I was surprised that three miles felt so hard on me from a cardiovascular perspective. It just kills me that just when I was finally starting to get back to a decent level of fitness the world decided to start coming to an end. Obviously with this pandemic I have to keep things in perspective, but this has just been a really strange last several months. It could all be for naught anyway, as I have no assurances there’s even going to be a marathon in October...

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