Saturday, July 9, 2022

All The Way Back

So after what felt like forever getting over my leg issues I have been back to 100% for the past several weeks. I have consistently been running 5-6 days a week as well as riding a day or two as I prepare for the Chicago Triathlon in late August. I also did a 5K a few weeks ago in 20:20, which was slower than what I was hoping for but understandable given the fact I did not have a chance to do much speed work before the race.

Now that my legs are feeling much better I have ramped up the speed work and feel like I am already starting to see results, including 7:10 and 7:09 pace 5K runs as part of brick workouts the past two weeks. I am considering adding a duathlon in early August to my race schedule and may squeeze one more 5K in as well. More than anything it just feels nice to have all the injuries behind me (at least for now) and be able to train the way I want to from day to day.

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