Wednesday, April 29, 2009


So as I think I alluded to earlier, my allergies are absolutely positively killing me right now. I have all the classic hay fever symptoms -- watery, itchy, eyes, congestion, uncontrollable sneezing fits -- it has just been miserable. Finally I gave in and called my sister (the family doctor), who prescribed three different drugs for me (eye drops, some pills, and another thing that comes in an inhaler -- I cannot be more specific since I do not have the stuff here in the office).

Today was my first day on the new drug regimen, and I feel 1,000% better -- no sneezing, no congestion, nothing. It is a good thing they do not test age groupers for performance enhancing drugs, because I am fairly certain that some part of my allergy medication cocktail has steroids in it or something else illegal. Anyway, I hit the gym today for a short brick -- 40 minutes on the spin bike, followed by 15 minutes on the treadmill at 7:13/mile pace. The workout felt surprisingly easy, especially the run portion, which I was very happy with. With just over two weeks to go before my first race, it was nice to feel sharp and fit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

allergies is quite unpredictable..I'm really afraid with allergies that has fast reaction..take care..i think better be aware of seasons allergies right now

seasonal allergies treatment