Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Back To Blogging (And Bricking)

Once again months have lapsed since my last blog entry. I wish I had some worthwhile reason to give for the lack of entries, but unfortunately sheer laziness will have to suffice. The good news is since I have not blogged in so long, theoretically I should have something somewhat interesting to report. So let's get to it, in a numbered list:
  1. My training is going quite well. I have been pretty consistently running twice a week, riding twice a week, and lifting weights once a week. I was on vacation last week and was only able to get a couple of runs in, but that was to be expected.
  2. I started riding outside about a month ago, my first rides on my bike in two years. I forgot how much I enjoy riding my bike. I also once again discovered that spin bike rides are actually really good at base building--I felt very powerful from the first time I got back on my bike, and am easily able to hold 18-20 MPH on my 15-20 mile rides.
  3. I have also done a few bricks (15 mile bike, two mile run) and am THRILLED with how good my legs feel coming off the bike. This morning I nearly broke 14:00 for my run, and have consistently been in the low 7:00/mile range.
  4. I have signed up for the New York City Duathlon on September 16th (which incidentally is my birthday). This race will represent coming full circle for me--my first multi-sport race was in Central Park many years ago.
  5. I am still keeping my weight below 180 lbs., although it has drifted up a bit over the last several weeks. I have recently cut back on the Starbucks every work day morning, which predictably has worked wonders.
  6. I recently read two triathlon-related books recently on my Kindle: A Life Without Limits: A World Champion's Journey by Chrissie Wellington and Can't Swim, Can't Ride, Can't Run: From Common Man to Ironman by Andy Holgate. Without going into full book reports, I recommend the former, not so much the latter. And no, reading them did not stoke my fire to do an Ironman one day (quite the opposite, in fact).
So that is the update--more to come later!

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