Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Houston, We Have A Problem

So this morning I was planning on banging out my second to last long run, 18 miles on the treadmill. Just a few minutes into the run my IT band on my right leg really started to bother me. I expected the pain to subside after a short while as it normally does, but a few miles later I was still in a fair amount of discomfort. It was not excruciating pain, but enough that I thought trying to run 18 miles was probably not the wisest move. So seven miles into the run I called it a day.

I was really surprised at how bad my leg felt today--I felt perfectly fine on my five mile run yesterday, and had taken the previous three days off. I am definitely bummed out, but not completely crushed--this is only the first long run I have missed in my training program, and I still have 33 days to get my leg right before the big day. Oh, and I am calling in the big dogs--the sports physical therapy department at Columbia University Medical Center. Unfortunately I will not be able to see the therapist until October 10th, so I will have to do my own personal triage until then (thank God for the Internet)...

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