Monday, October 7, 2013

The Final Stretch

This morning I completed my first "taper workout," a quick four mile run in Hoboken. The weather was perfect and my legs felt great, so I decided to push it a bit. I definitely felt like I was cruising along at very low 7:00 per mile pace, but resisted the urge to check my watch until I was forced to stop at a light with about a mile to go. I then discovered I had actually hit the wrong button on my watch when I started my workout, and thus, had not been timing it! Crap! I then decided to make the most of it by timing the last mile--7:01, despite the fact a good portion of it was uphill. Definitely a nice confidence booster for my first taper run! The other nice thing is my IT bands (notice it is now IT bands, as my right one has started flaring up a bit) feel as good today as they have in some time. Thank God for foam rollers!

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