Monday, October 21, 2013

Welcome To Marathon Week!

So today is the official beginning of what my better half referred to as "Marathon Week" (which I thought was awesome), my final few days of preparation for the Marine Corps Marathon. The next six days will be less about training and more about getting myself logistically and mentally prepared for the big day. That said, I still do have a few more runs to get in, and so this morning I did a five mile out-and-back in Hoboken and Jersey City at 7:17 per mile pace. The run was fairly uneventful, although I did bang out the last mile in 6:49, reasoning that will be my last "hard" mile before Sunday. I plan to run four miles tomorrow and then another three on Thursday before completely resting my body on Friday and Saturday.

I am also focusing on carbo loading (including an English muffin this morning and bread and pasta for lunch) and hydrating, as well as continuing to work on strengthening my hips (including one final phsyical therapy session on Thursday). Hopefully I am not jinxing myself as I write this, but I honestly could not feel any better right now--all of the nagging injuries I dealt with over the last several weeks appear to be gone, and my confidence is extremely high (particularly based on Friday's run). We will see how the rest of Marathon Week goes, but so far, so great!

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