Sunday, March 1, 2020

Staying Alive Running 45

This morning was my "step up run" for the week, in which I bump up my long run by five minutes every week. Thus, I ran 45 minutes at 7:30 pace, and quite honestly I felt AWESOME—completely relaxed, completely under control. My left leg felt great as well—no soreness, no stiffness. I actually started running and then realized I forgot to do the active stretching exercises my physical therapist recommends, so I jumped back off the treadmill and did them before restarting the run. I strongly considered running for another five minutes, but the last thing I want to is overdo it at this point. I was originally planning to take tomorrow off from running, but given how good I feel (and the fact I ran back-to-back days last week with no issues) I now plan to run again tomorrow morning before work.

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