Friday, September 6, 2013

The Hardest Part

I just put the finishing touches on the first of my five 30+ mile training weeks for the Marine Corps Marathon. Unfortunately I spoke too soon earlier this week when I wrote about how great my legs felt after my 16-mile run--later that day the IT band on my right leg was sore. I definitely felt it at the beginning of my four mile run the next morning, although yesterday's five miler was pain free. Unfortunately the pain returned on this morning's five mile run. I am now certain the toughest part of my marathon preparation is not going to be finding the time or willpower to get all the runs in, losing weight, or balancing work/family/training--it is simply going to be staying healthy. I DO have a "trump card" in my back pocket--I basically have an open invitation from the physical therapist I worked with to resolve my IT band issues early this year. Hopefully I will not have to use it; we'll see how I feel on Monday after a couple of rest days.

1 comment:

Surfbux Global Market said...

Triathlon beginners training can affect your entire life. Spend as much time as possible with your family. Try to make them understand what you are doing and the reason why you are doing it. They'll be looking for you most of the times. But the good news is: you will have more energy when you spend time with them.

training for a triathlon