Monday, January 6, 2020

Back To The Treadmill

After a full week off from running and two physical therapy sessions my leg was feeling much better. Thus, I decided to try running again this morning. I ended up doing three miles on the treadmill at a nice and easy 7:30 pace, and my left leg actually felt pretty good the entire time. Right afterwards the back of my leg was definitely a bit tight, but felt WAY better than after my last run. I made sure to get a good stretch in (including this one really good stretch with a rubber cord my therapist recommends) and waited anxiously to see if my leg would tighten up during the work day. I am happy to report that did not happen—it actually felt even better as the day went on. Needless to say I am breathing a big sigh of relief. That said, I am still planning to ease my way back into running—I am taking tomorrow off and currently planning to do just four miles on Wednesday.

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