Monday, January 20, 2020

I'll Be Back (Eventually)

 Image result for ill be back
This morning I had another physical therapy session. My leg continues to feel better and better. One thing that is different than before is when I stretch my "bad" leg does not feel any tighter than the "good" one. My hamstring also doesn't hurt at all when I squat, which it definitely did as recently as a week ago. All that said, I am STILL taking the rest of this week off from running. I just want to make sure I am 100% healthy before I start running again. It definitely helps that we are in the dead of winter, and all I am "missing" at this point are treadmill runs. God, I can't wait for Spring. The only other noteworthy thing to mention is I bought a massage stick, which I think is really going to help when I start running again. I had a pretty high end foam roller years ago, but I just find rolling around on the ground with that thing super uncomfortable and unwieldy...

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